Food relationship mental capacity

The brain is the march of the body and controlled in various interactions that occur within it, and to work in a good way must be fed properly how. Despite the importance of the brain, it unfortunately suffers from malnutrition when most people. Brain and weighs about 1.3 kg as it represents approximately 2% of the total mass of the human body, but consumes 20% of the total energy, like take over ten times its share of energy compared with its mass, and here we can see the importance of brain nutrition and the need for attention. So what are the most important materials needed? It is characterized fed from the rest of the body? And to what extent the shortage affects fed him and the rest of the body? Hunger of our brains, not our stomach! The brain is available on millions of brain cells lose thousands of them every day because of the toxins that exposed the human body and because of malnutrition, stress, medicines, and provide circulatory brain materials needed by Halogen, sugar and fatty acids and amino and minerals, and no shortage of the necessary materials Embrocation and vitamins cause in decline cerebral capacity, also deprived of oxygen for a few minutes lead to his death, because oxygen is necessary for the production of energy, because every brain cell rely on itself to produce its own energy. According to a report Kellogg of 1989 that the brain components and behavior are changing fast how after every meal, and Dr. Feingold that what we eat affects our brain and was in our behavior, while some scholars object to studies that adopt the fact that the food effect on the brain on the grounds that These trials were conducted on the animal and not a human. We hunger of our brains and not our stomach and the evidence for that is that the people who removed them stomach still feel hungry, brain is the one who makes us feel it and controls the food we like to eat type, because the vision of food paint a picture in our brain that a decision to eat or rejected. There are important food does not reach the brain because they do not pass into the blood as there are unwanted material sneaks through the blood to the brain despite the existence of a barrier between blood and brain secretes substances that would have to go to the brain. Overall, the researchers concluded that foods rich in protein affect the mental capacity to be addressed as raising the amount of adrenaline and can think and focus in a good way, while foods rich in sugars emotional affect our behavior. Experiments have shown that the brain need of food varies depending on the period which took in, where the rising need for sugar in the morning, for example, but should avoid a lot of them because it brings sleepiness, as women during pregnancy need to be fat, therefore the brain interferes with the production of Alanine a substance that works as well estrogen on the increase in Trashy fatty foods. Brain and nutrients It enters the brain in the chemical reactions and dialogues with biological elements and food units such as sugars, proteins, vitamins and mentalities, to ensure stability and continuity and provides the body what it needs through messages informing him of chemical media (1) and hormones. Says Dr. Michael Ogilvy: "form of fat 60% of the brain mass, and 70% of which are fatty acids of the type of omega-3," which is a long-chain raise the resistance General Already particles (2) to crack down on substances that cause inflammation, and is still discussing Experts on the resistance to depression, he had Dr. Andre Toll experience in 2001, when I gave the fish oil is rich in this article to his patients noted they eased their symptoms of depression, and it seems that I said it lead to lower Cartoonist receptors on nerve cells level, and is known that Cartoonist responsible for psychological comfort. There is this article in fatty fish such as sardines, salmon and crustaceans, which is advisable to consume two or three times a week. The following is the impact of some of the food on the work of some chemical mediators needed by the brain to perform its mission: The substance choline (3) is a former Colonialist a broker chemical essential in remembering process, where Dr. Stefan Zizl indicates that we need a day to 550 mg of choline, as Albanian material that contribute to the formation and chemical modes of action necessary for the brain, as well as vitamins, iron and some amino acids and Kerosene Phenylalanine. Says Dr. David Bnton: "The _Kinshasa in vitamin B1 detract from the installation media chemical important for the work of the brain Aspartame and Kappa, and the lack of vitamin C affect the installation Noradrenalin from dopamine, although a shortage of vitamin B9 helps the emergence of Parkinson's disease," concluded so out from experiments on mice displayed a lack of vitamin B9, and note that neurons that ride dopamine has weakened dramatically, and is known that the decrease of this article is responsible for the emergence of Parkinson's disease. Therefore, this Dr. stressed that his concern for the population of the United States along the lines of most developed countries because half of them do not care about this article in nutrition, and advise them that in order to take care of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. And it helps the amino acid on the production of Transcriptional Cartoonist, sugars and managed to raise the rate of insulin, which expels most of the amino acids from the blood and can thus Transcriptional of access to the brain because it can not do so in the presence of other amino acids. And decreased antioxidant levels (4) significantly with age in most cells of the body and especially the brain, leading to accumulation of dangerous oxides (4) that cause the death of brain cells or distorted, so you should focus on food resistance to oxidation, such as vegetables, fruits and fish It contains vitamins, especially A and E, and the minerals zinc and Millennium. And a lack of vitamin B1 leads to personality disorder and a lack of vitamin B3: delirium, dementia, memory loss, either Vitamin B12 deficiency, causing in Alzheimer's disease, is caused by lack of frolic acid, memory loss and Alzheimer's, and all these diseases related to the brain. The fish oils, they served on the brain, including the following: the flexibility granted membranes of brain cells that enable them to communicate with each other and thus help to concentrate and remember, and therefore enjoys Galibi who eat fish frequently strong memory and good concentration. Reduce the risk of strokes because they choose to resist the blood into cells. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between eating fish and reduce the incidence of depression. Herbal medicine has proved effective for some species enhance memory, concentration and recall, including rosemary and absinthe. And other factors contribute to the good work of the brain, including: strengthening the communications and connections between brain cells by study and application of science provides the person on the importance within the community or the middle. Activities and exercise that supply the brain with more oxygen. If our brain needs a special attention and special feed, it will enable us to cover the requirements of our pockets? Is the Arab world is available - as well as his poverty - on the cultural destiny enough to understand this scientific information? How could our ancestors and creativity in the fields of nutrition modest life? Questions that need answers. (1) Media apostles or chemical substances which are related to brain cells through which the rest of the body's organs (2) General Alrehg is the sum of physical and mental disorders generated by a variety of motives such as a cold or illness or emotional trauma or surgical In other words, is the work of the motives or the circumstances leading to these disorders. (3) choline family of vitamin B and are found in egg yolks, liver, beans, soya (4) antioxidants obtained by the body from food which is about vitamins or minerals blowing electrons own molecules sound to prevent the transformation into oxides, which result from the transformation of oxygen atoms to the case of increasing the activity or the so-called ions in the science of chemistry, and creates many problems resulting from malnutrition and environmental pollution Quality of food provided to children affected in early childhood in determining the levels of intelligence and the ability to pay attention and focus they have and even in determining their behavior towards the society around them, in terms of nutrition studies have shown that eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals play a key role in the level of intelligence of the child development, and the child who inherited the intelligence from his parents may drop IQ if he has not received proper nutrition. And US researchers recently revealed that malnutrition during the first years of life leads to a decline IQs in children and the generation of aggressive tendency in social behavior continue with them through childhood and adolescence to the late period, according to a study published by the American Psychiatric Association. In a research project took 14 years, researchers from the University of Southern California, led by Dr. "Jiang Hong Liu" keeps track of food and behavioral growth and Cognitive for more than 1,000 children of Indian, Chinese, English and French descent, living in the island of Mauritius, which lies in the Indian Ocean off the African coast. Included sample children in the age of three, the researchers assessed the nutritional status of each of them by searching for specific indicators, such as the presence of cracks in the lips or in the corners of the mouth, as an indicator of the lack of a vitamin compounds (b), or hair color, as it leads the lack of a proteins, especially in the tropics, to discoloration of hair red orange, as well as the thickness and density of the hair, the two are influenced by the lack of elemental zinc and iron, as well as anemia, a disease that often refers to iron deficiency. Perception was measured and intelligent child mortality rates, as the staff social workers visit children who conducted the study for them to stand on their social conditions such as the level of income and education level of the parents and families of their careers. Upon the arrival of children ages 8, 11 and 17 years, the researchers conducted an assessment of their behavior in school and at home, and by that assessment, the researchers concluded that there is a fixed relationship between malnutrition and between aggressiveness in social behavior. Comparing the children who were suffering from malnutrition problems with their peers who were not have these problems, it turns out that children who suffer from malnutrition showed aggressive behavior more than their peers healthy 41% at the age of 8 years, and an increase of 10% at the age of 11 years, and an increase in violence by 51% at the age of 17 years. The researchers attributed this to the lack of important elements such as zinc, iron or compounds vitamin or (b) the lack of proteins negatively affects the brain development, leading to a decrease IQ, and result in aggressive social behavior, the researchers noted that the higher the degree of malnutrition, increased Unit aggressiveness in social behavior. Vitamins Colin While some believe that the child's intelligence level is born with it can not be changed in any way, and some is due other level of intelligence of the child to the genetic factor; however, the nutrition experts assert that there is a kind of vitamins occupy the utmost importance in the question of raising the IQ of the child, which (vitamin Colin) who enters the building task nervous vectors to stimulate memory called (acetyl choline), which helps the vitamin to form growths nervous to improve memory and increase IQ, and there is this kind of vitamins in eggs, wheat, meat, liver, fish, cheese, peanut yolk. A study conducted by the American Institute of Nutrition showed that vitamins (b) increase the IQ also because it works on the necessary energy to work the brains of the child as well as it works on the production of neurotransmitters and stimulate blood circulation to the brain and are resistant to anemia, which leads to lack of concentration disease. The foods that contain vitamin intake (c) such as citrus fruits oranges, lemons, grapefruit and fruits red like cherry tomatoes and strawberries as well as leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach, squash and peppers also helps the development of attention and nerve cells, which strengthens memory, as well as the mineral her salts its important role in the brain work, where the phosphorus to strengthen memory and increase concentration, which is available in fish, meat, eggs, poultry and dairy products, dates, fresh vegetables along with iodine, which affects the mental development of children and resides in the food and fortified fish salt. There are some foods that promote memory, and not to feed the body leads to a general weakness in the memory, of these foods as salmon, fish eggs and some Lajos nuts and raisins, and some juices like grape juice and carrot juice. Intelligent guide Always what parents draw the difficulty in improving the quality of meals provided to children of school age, as a result of lack of children's commitment to addressing the food provided to them, leading to affected school performance, and therefore nutrition experts advise making sure to provide meals that improve memory and mental processes of the child's performance, and These tips are: Must-containing foods provide vitamins (C) and (E), after it has been scientifically proven that the presence of these vitamins in the body memory helps greatly in the registration and information retrieval operations smoothly, and there are vitamin (C) in fresh fruits and vegetables in particular, and in large quantities in lemon, raspberry, strawberry, guava different on paper and vegetables to be eaten fresh. The vitamin (E) Vivarium in abundance in vegetable oils especially wheat germ oil and in nuts, sunflower oil, tomatoes, spinach and milk soy, potatoes, broccoli and peanut butter and Sudanese in the pumpkin, mango, and vitamin (E) effect on the activity of the cells where it is anti- oxidation and helps the nervous system and the quality of the organization of glucose found in the brain, which is the main brain food, and are advised to submit the two types of vitamins in the morning at breakfast to ensure the best performance of the children in the study. Based on the education of the child interest in obtaining the full it needs from vitamin (B) private (B1) and (B2) and (B6) and (B12) which is which play an important role in controlling the functions of the nerves, and there are vitamin (B1) in meat, whole grains and yogurt Experience has confirmed that eat more whole grains leads to increase and serenity mental focus and raise the degree of activity, and there are (B2) in the dairy, liver and plants leafy banana has deficiency leads to severe cramps for the child There is also a (B12) in meat, liver, kidney, heart, eggs, poultry and soy products, which helps the formation of myelitis material that covers and protects nerve parties and deficiency leads to delayed mental development. And stresses Dr. "Bethany Petra" - spokeswoman for the American Institute of Nutrition - the get the child Ali (Omega 3) is very important and zinc for the development of intelligence and activate Leelah operations, and there are (Omega 3) in salmon, tuna, seeds berries and olive oil, while zinc Mortuary in eggs. It advises d. "Bethany," depending on the salad as a substitute for traditional food forms where the mother through the dish salads provide all the elements required for the child and intended Ballast here is traditional authorities such as those containing beans, beans, beans and boiled corn Sudanese oil or wheat germ, eggs, fish fillet, spices, It can also mix all this and grounded and mixed to prepare a mixture of sandwiches the morning and afternoon with the change in forms and add this mix even gain the admiration of children and respond to them. And also it takes into account the dairy provision or products per day for children because they contain vitamin (D) necessary to ensure muscular and nervous compatibility in children, and advises "Bethany" need to take care to provide (28) grams only from animal meat or poultry for children every day after the addition of lemon mechanism to ensure the child from all forms of vegetable protein benefit and ensure the efficiency of protein absorption. Recent studies confirm what I think parents for a long time that there is a relationship between what to eat their children and their way of thinking and their behavior and learning. And the brain like any other member of the body needs to be good food. It uses 20-25% of the energy consumed by the human, the more the brain eating good food reflected on this human work in general. And the food can affect the mood of happiness or sorrow, and the thinking and behavior, and even the brain can build or destroy it with food also. p> Good nutrition is a good reason to adopt The body's wondrous system in the distribution of nutrients, Members are vital to get the important nutrients found in the blood first. , Brain does not work very well, of course, is reflected on the rest of the body makes him work in an unsatisfactory manner, so the brain receives special treatment because of its importance when the body distribution of nutrients. The brain consists of millions of millions of nerve cells known as the "Neuron". These are the functions of thinking and memory, movement and many other tasks that do not pay attention to human, and are the speed of light in the transition between cells. He graduated from neurons minutes branches communicate with other branches similar to other nerve cells, it becomes a scene similar to the map tangled roads linking cities together. There are chemicals called neurotransmitters to facilitate the delivery of nerve signals through the gaps between the incident and the other cell, becomes as bridges to connect. The influence of nutrition on the brain in three ways 1. You need the nerve cell itself to feed the performance of its functions like any other cell in the body. 2. fatty membrane that covers nerve cell branches and which is similar to foam insulation that covers the power cords, and leads to the speed of transmission of electrical signals in nerve cell branches, needs special to be configured nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, and when you drop these important nutrients transmission speed less These nerve signals. 3. neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine and nor epinephrine, carry messages from one nerve cell to another and affect the mood and thoughts and actions. Some of the nutrients in the food we eat becomes part of the neurotransmitters that help us in thinking. These neurotransmitters clearly explain important dynamic relationship between food and mood and psychological generally. Each of nerve cells and their branches stretching and nerve Methuselah need special nutrients in order to function properly, and at the lack of certain nutrients necessary for one of the components of this network they stop working just as any electrical network from work stop at the wiring damaged or components. Best Brain Food Some food benefit the brain more than other foods, although most useful food for thought. And the way we think and work and learn to be affected by food, and also prepared and handled in a manner and time occurs, and the types of food we eat together. And adores brain sugar and longed for carbohydrates, it consumes 20%, which covered the body of them, but love intelligent, The brain chooses sugar which deals with types, prefer continuous supply Latif, and when it receives the supply of sugar as a fuel, it works on a regular basis, but when oscillating sugar levels Blood up or down the behaviors and learning confused and disturbed. And sugar-based ratios in blood on the type of food that enters the body, some carbohydrates such as starches and sugars calm behavior while raised some other carbohydrates. Many researchers and baptizing to minimize the importance of the sugar dispositions relationship, especially when the activity of little children frequent attention, but the mothers that their children Alahzn increase their activity to the point of discomfort after eating the types of candy or drinking types of drinks and especially containing industrial colorings. These observations worthy of attention, because different types of sugar works on the brain in different ways, and some have bad effects on thinking and behaved children. These sugars are glucose, dextrose, sucrose, all in duplicate image of extremely pure, and are found in candy and canned beverages, baked goods. And sugars found in these foods enter the bloodstream quickly and reach high levels in a short time, stimulating thus the secretion of large amounts of the hormone insulin, which is needed for sugar accompanied into the cells, this process is carried out very quickly, thereby reducing the level of sugar in the blood, which in turn lead to the secretion of the hormone adrenaline, which works to bring out the sugar stored in the liver, rises in blood sugar level again, and this rise and fall and then rise affects the mood and concentration in some children and adults, leading to behavior disorder. The hormones that work on the sugar and the hormone adrenaline levels of disorder lead to imbalance of neurotransmitters, which makes the child feel turmoil and distress and a lack of focus and also sleepiness. So the best sugars to the brain is that come from carbohydrates (starches) complex such as beans, lentils, beans, peas, peanut butter, oatmeal, pastries, soybeans, potatoes and whole grains full, flour, brown rice and chips breakfast is manufactured from whole grains. And starches and fructose (fructose) does not cause turbulence in the mood, such as former sugars mentioned. Molecules starchy material characterized by a length, which takes a long time to break down in the intestines into simple sugars that can be used by the body, so they provide the body with its needs of sugar in a slow and continuous image and this is the best level of volatility in the case of pure refined sugar intake. The index for food diabetes Is the rate at which it enters the sugar from the food to the brain and the body's cells. The food index higher with diabetes raises the pancreas to secrete more insulin, which empties of blood sugar found it quickly into the cells Vtaatzbzb levels in the blood, and disturbed behavior as a result. Food and low-level of the index do not pay diabetes the pancreas to secrete more insulin, sugar remains unchanged at a moderate level. The feeding of the child starchy foods with a low index of diabetes is one of the means to help him to control his actions and activity at school or playing. Foods that contain useful sugars to the brain is • Fruits: such as grapefruit, apples, cherries, oranges, grapes, and this has a low index diabetes. The fruit is considered better than juice because they contain fiber reduces the speed of absorption of sugar found in fruits. And one apple will help the brain to work better than apple juice, and fresh juice is drained and the best content of the juice drained fibers. • Breakfast cereals and flakes: Oatmeal and apostasy have less diabetes index in each grain. The Spaghetti pasta and brown rice foods are good in terms of the index diabetes. And cornflakes his diabetes highest index. • vegetables and legumes: Beans such as soybeans, beans, lentils and cowpea her diabetes index less than any other food. The potatoes and fleecing contain the highest index diabetes, and increase its value considerably with cooking. • Dairy products: milk and yogurt have low index diabetes, although it is slightly larger pulses but less than the fruit. Yogurt with fruit, of course, be a diabetes index higher than normal yogurt. The way food is prepared and add other kinds of means to change the index for food diabetes which affects the speed of entry of sugar to the brain and the stability level. • High index foods such as diabetes juices and candy preferably addressed after a meal, where the presence of other foods reduces the speed of entry of sugar into the blood stream and then to the brain. Bearing in mind that eating sweets between meals can disrupt learning and harm, dispositions. • fat reduces the absorption of sugar, and this explains why the sugar in ice cream Diabetes index less of added sugar to fat-free yogurt. • containing power on vegetables and legumes such as cow pea, beans and other legumes contain low index diabetes, so they serve as food wonderful teachers increases mental performance of the child. • Eat foods low index diabetes with those with diabetes, high index foods reduces the effects of rapid blood sugar. Proteins to feed the neurotransmitters Proteins in food affect the brain's performance because they provide him with the amino acids that make them neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are biochemical messengers give signals from one nerve cell to another, and the more you feed these messengers whenever the functions efficiently. The most important of these two amino acids trap to fan and tyrosine and are the first two components of the neural connectors. And Aristophanes essential amino acid the body can not produce it without eating the food while it can produce tyrosine even if the amount is not sufficient in food. These two Muhammadan Anomalous affect four important neurological connectors serotonin is made from Aristophanes, and dopamine and Epinephrine and nor epinephrine and these are made from the amino acid tyrosine. And serotonin works to relax the brain, while the other three works are called collectively "Culmination" working to stimulate the brain. Most antidepressants known works by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain. Carbohydrates (starches) helps to produce serotonin, which explains the insatiable depressed to eat carbohydrates. And increased mental activity or dropping after a meal is influenced by two factors protein to carbohydrates, and also the proportion of Aristophanes and tyrosine. High protein food and a few starches with an increase in material Alternation lead to rapid activity of the brain, of marine meals and soy products, meat, eggs and dairy products. And meals containing a high percentage of carbohydrates with a little protein and high levels of Aristophanes lead to relax the brain, including chocolate, pies, pastries, nuts and seeds such as almonds and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and legumes. The relationship between carbohydrates and protein The performance of the brain is affected after a meal is eating carbohydrates with protein, Carbohydrate stimulate the secretion of insulin, which helps more Aristophanes to enter the brain to produce more serotonin. The more simple sugars in the food the greater the production of serotonin, and the more calm the brain. Complex carbohydrates and slows the insulin secretion thus reducing the secretion of serotonin. Therefore, high-calorie meals would necessarily lead to a large amount of serotonin secretion leads to a sense of apathy after a meal. And eating large amounts of food at any meal, regardless of its components reduces mental performance. So to maintain the efficiency brain must have a meal characterized by the following: • be high in proteins containing tyrosine • to be moderate in the amount of sugars and starches contain mainly as a source of complex sugars • Related Content relatively low price. To relax the brain can calm him down or even a meal is characterized by the following: • High in protein-containing Counterpane • high content of carbohydrates • high caloric value And you can plan your meals according to how you want to work out your brain all day long. The low-calorie, high-protein meal containing complex carbohydrates make you active, and this is suitable for breakfast and food. High calories and carbohydrates and low in protein meal and make you relaxed and ready for deep sleep in the evening. So do not address the dessert after lunch if you intend to work to learn something or do a task that afternoon, and also if you want to be vigilant after dinner. The balance between calories and carbohydrates and protein in the meal what affects people in different ways, and this is not a note is selected, so be on every human being that knows food composition that affect it to be good, and are therefore different from someone Else's composition .oajb parents note their young children to learn type of food that improves their behavior and school behavior or hurt her. Fat Feed the brain The brain needs fat for the child and his work to the fullest, especially for young children, and also in the case of old age, it is known that there are two terms have two brain sensitive to feed: the first two years of age period and also twenty years, the last in the life of the elderly people, The brain in the two phases of growth and aging It needs a nutritious fat. The brain of the child in the first year of the old grow to three times the size of the time of birth, for this using brain 60% of the energy consumed by the child, and the brain also consists of 60% of the fat that constitute the main component of the membranes of the brain cell membrane surrounding Taffrail cell, therefore, Get the right amount of fat and the required quality can affect brain development and performance. In fact, 50% of the calories needed by the baby come from fat daily. In the mother's milk fat is 50% of the calories. And mother's milk is different from cow's milk in it contains fat needed for brain development, TEFL human needs to think and therefore the growth of his brain, while small cow does not need for the growth of the brain but also for the growth of the body. It is the fat in breast milk and contribute to the brain omega acid 3 and acid building Djellabahs impecunious DHA . Food affects mood • complex carbohydrates: Beans, whole grains and fruits lead to relax. • Soft drinks and candy lead to arousal. • Food Happiness: chocolate, milk, chicken, bananas and green leaves it to contain Aristophanes. • Food grief: food containing fat or too many sugars. Food thinking • to build the brain: asparagus, avocados, bananas, meat, yeast, brown rice and broccoli and cabbage (cabbage) Brose. As well as cantaloupe, cheese, chicken, eggs, flax oil, pulses, milk, oats, oranges, peanut butter, peas, potatoes, lettuce seed, addition, salmon, soybeans and Palembang, tuna, turkey, wheat germ and yogurt. • for the demolition of the brain: alcohol, food and industrial colorings industrial and cola, corn syrup and drinks with a high content of diabetes and hydrogenated oils (margarine), nicotine and eating excess food, white bread
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